
Realizing the Power of Enterprise Data

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1,500 IT decision makers reveal their challenges and successes in unlocking the value of data.

Organizations estimate that they lose over $2 million per year as they struggle with data management challenges. 36% of IT leaders say employees are less efficient due to siloed data management processes, while 38% say their organization’s strategic decision-making is slowed because of ineffective data management processes.

This report highlights the ups and downs of the IT data landscape today and how organizations are managing it. From knowing where data is located, to understanding its true age, to its level of importance and whether or not it's permissable to sit in the cloud, there is more to think about in terms of data management than there has ever been before.

This report explores:

  • The challenges of modern data management in the enterprise
  • The costs of ineffective data management
  • Key factors for driving success and capturing the benefits of enterprise data management